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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2020/11/20 14:36:56

美国匹兹堡大学Daniel H. Kaplan、Toshiro Hirai等研究人员合作发现,TGFβ细胞因子的竞争在表皮微环境中选择性保留抗原特异性组织驻留记忆性T细胞。2020年11月18日,《免疫》杂志在线发表了这一研究成果。


Title: Competition for Active TGFβ Cytokine Allows for Selective Retention of Antigen-Specific Tissue- Resident Memory T Cells in the Epidermal Niche

Author: Toshiro Hirai, Yi Yang, Yukari Zenke, Haiyue Li, Virendra K. Chaudhri, Jacinto S. De La Cruz Diaz, Paul Yifan Zhou, Breanna Anh-Thu Nguyen, Laurent Bartholin, Creg J. Workman, David W. Griggs, Dario A.A. Vignali, Harinder Singh, David Masopust, Daniel H. Kaplan

Issue&Volume: 2020-11-18

Abstract: Following antigen-driven expansion in lymph node, transforming growth factor-β (TGFβ)is required for differentiation of skin-recruited CD8+ T cell effectors into epidermal resident memory T (Trm) cells and their epidermalpersistence. We found that the source of TGFβ -supporting Trm cells was autocrine.In addition, antigen-specific Trm cells that encountered cognate antigen in the skin,and bystander Trm cells that did not, both displayed long-term persistence in theepidermis under steady-state conditions. However, when the active-TGFβ was limitedor when new T cell clones were recruited into the epidermis, antigen-specific Trmcells were more efficiently retained than bystander Trm cells. Genetically enforcedTGFβR signaling allowed bystander Trm cells to persist in the epidermis as efficientlyas antigen-specific Trm cells in both contexts. Thus, competition between T cellsfor active TGFβ represents an unappreciated selective pressure that promotes the accumulationand persistence of antigen-specific Trm cells in the epidermal niche.

DOI: 10.1016/j.immuni.2020.10.022

Source: https://www.cell.com/immunity/fulltext/S1074-7613(20)30463-5

