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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2020/10/31 21:37:40

近日,美国霍华德休斯医学研究所David D. Ginty及其研究组揭示感知触摸和疼痛的脊髓通路。相关论文于2020年10月28日在线发表于国际学术期刊《自然》。

研究人员发现了两个表达结构相关的G蛋白偶联受体(GPCR)TACR1和GPR83的投射神经元形成平行上升回路模块,这些模块协作将热、触觉和有害的皮肤信号从脊髓传递至脑桥侧臂旁核。在此核内,表达Tacr1或Gpr83的SPB(spinoparabrachial )神经元轴突支配不同的亚核群体,并且强烈的光遗传学刺激轴突末端诱导了不同的逃避行为和自主反应。此外,表达Gpr83的SPB神经元对皮肤机械刺激高度敏感,并从高阈值和低阈值的原代机械感觉神经元中接收强大的突触输入。

Title: Parallel ascending spinal pathways for affective touch and pain

Author: Seungwon Choi, Junichi Hachisuka, Matthew A. Brett, Alexandra R. Magee, Yu Omori, Noor-ul-Aine Iqbal, Dawei Zhang, Michelle M. DeLisle, Rachel L. Wolfson, Ling Bai, Celine Santiago, Shiaoching Gong, Martyn Goulding, Nathaniel Heintz, H. Richard Koerber, Sarah E. Ross, David D. Ginty

Issue&Volume: 2020-10-28

Abstract: The anterolateral pathway consists of ascending spinal tracts that convey pain, temperature and touch information from the spinal cord to the brain1–4. Projection neurons of the anterolateral pathway are attractive therapeutic targets for pain treatment because nociceptive signals emanating from the periphery are channelled through these spinal projection neurons en route to the brain. However, the organizational logic of the anterolateral pathway remains poorly understood. Here we show that two populations of projection neurons that express the structurally related G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) TACR1 and GPR83 form parallel ascending circuit modules that cooperate to convey thermal, tactile and noxious cutaneous signals from the spinal cord to the lateral parabrachial nucleus of the pons. Within this nucleus, axons of spinoparabrachial (SPB) neurons that express Tacr1 or Gpr83 innervate distinct sets of subnuclei, and strong optogenetic stimulation of the axon terminals induces distinct escape behaviours and autonomic responses. Moreover, SPB neurons that  express Gpr83 are highly sensitive to cutaneous mechanical stimuli and receive strong synaptic inputs from both high- and low-threshold primary mechanosensory neurons. Notably, the valence associated with activation of SPB neurons that express Gpr83 can be either positive or negative, depending on stimulus intensity. These findings reveal anatomically, physiologically and functionally distinct subdivisions of the SPB tract that underlie affective aspects of touch and pain. Two populations of neurons with distinct anatomy and receptor expression that convey information from the spinal cord to the brain have different functional properties with respect to touch and pain.

DOI: 10.1038/s41586-020-2860-1

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-020-2860-1

