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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2020/1/10 13:46:27

英国牛津大学Mark I. McCarthy研究团队深入探究人类疾病遗传学简史。相关论文202018日在线发表在《自然》上。



Title: A brief history of human disease genetics

Author: Melina Claussnitzer, Judy H. Cho, Rory Collins, Nancy J. Cox, Emmanouil T. Dermitzakis, Matthew E. Hurles, Sekar Kathiresan, Eimear E. Kenny, Cecilia M. Lindgren, Daniel G. MacArthur, Kathryn N. North, Sharon E. Plon, Heidi L. Rehm, Neil Risch, Charles N. Rotimi, Jay Shendure, Nicole Soranzo, Mark I. McCarthy

Issue&Volume: 2020-01-08

Abstract: A primary goal of human genetics is to identify DNA sequence variants that influence biomedical traits, particularly those related to the onset and progression of human disease. Over the past 25 years, progress in realizing this objective has been transformed by advances in technology, foundational genomic resources and analytical tools, and by access to vast amounts of genotype and phenotype data. Genetic discoveries have substantially improved our understanding of the mechanisms responsible for many rare and common diseases and driven development of novel preventative and therapeutic strategies. Medical innovation will increasingly focus on delivering care tailored to individual patterns of genetic predisposition. This Review describes progress in the study of human genetics, in which rapid advances in technology, foundational genomic resources and analytical tools have contributed to the understanding of the mechanisms responsible for many rare and common diseases and to preventative and therapeutic strategies for many of these conditions.

DOI: 10.1038/s41586-019-1879-7



