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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2019/9/6 13:25:09

以色列魏茨曼科学研究所Yuval Eshed和美国冷泉港实验室Zachary B. Lippman合作的最新研究,提出“农业革命”,为针对性地培育新老作物指明了方向。 2019年9月5日,《科学》在线发表了这项成果。


据了解,农业革命主要改变了为人类及牲畜提供食物的农作物,提高了农作物的生产力,使植物适应大规模农业生产。 成花素和赤霉素是普遍存在的控制植物开花和结构的两种激素系统,是改变生殖隔离和植物部分之间成比例生长的来源。 虽然基于这些激素系统中偶然发生的突变,为植物进化奠定了基础,但遗传和农艺调整是广泛的农业效益所必需的。


Title: Revolutions in agriculture chart a course for targeted breeding of old and new crops

Author: Yuval Eshed, Zachary B. Lippman

Issue&Volume: 2019/09/05

Abstract: The dominance of the major crops that feed humans and their livestock arose from agricultural revolutions that increased productivity and adapted plants to large-scale farming practices. Two hormone systems that universally control flowering and plant architecture, florigen and gibberellin, were the source of multiple revolutions that modified reproductive transitions and proportional growth among plant parts. While step-changes based on serendipitous mutations in these hormone systems laid the foundation, genetic and agronomic tuning was required for broad agricultural benefits. We propose that generating targeted genetic variation in core components of both systems would elicit a wider range of phenotypic variation. Incorporating this enhanced diversity into breeding programs of conventional and underutilized crops can help meet future needs of the human diet and promote sustainable agriculture.

DOI: 10.1126/science.aax0025

