来源:Nature Communications 发布时间:2019/8/5 20:55:09
处方抗酸药与过敏风险上升相关 | 《自然-通讯》论文

论文标题:Country-wide medical records infer increased allergy risk of gastric acid inhibition

期刊:Nature Communications

作者:Galateja Jordakieva,Michael Kundi,Eva Untersmayr,Isabella Pali-Schöll,Berthold Reichardt,Erika Jensen-Jarolim




根据《自然-通讯》发表的一项研究Country-wide medical records infer increased allergy risk of gastric acid inhibition服用处方抗酸药与过敏风险上升相关。该研究覆盖了来自奥地利的逾800万份健康档案,所得发现实际验证了过去的实验观察结果。

图1:抗溃疡药(anti-ulcer drugs,AUD)的直接和间接促过敏免疫反应。图源:Jordakieva等


奥地利维也纳医科大学的Erika Jensen-Jarolim及同事评估了这个过程对公共卫生的潜在影响有多大。他们研究了长达4年(2009-2013年)、覆盖奥地利97%的人口的处方药记录,发现使用处方胃酸抑制剂的患者在随后几年里需要使用抗敏药物的可能性增加了一倍。那些每年日服6个剂量的患者有此风险,且这种风险随着使用频率的增加而上升。女性和老年个体所面临的风险更高一些。以上发现表明应该谨慎权衡胃酸抑制的有益作用和潜在风险。

摘要:Gastric acid suppression promotes allergy in mechanistic animal experiments and observational human studies, but whether gastric acid inhibitors increase allergy incidence at a population level remains uncharacterized. Here we aim to assess the use of anti-allergic medication following prescription of gastric acid inhibitors. We analyze data from health insurance records covering 97% of Austrian population between 2009 and 2013 on prescriptions of gastric acid inhibitors, anti-allergic drugs, or other commonly prescribed (lipid-modifying and antihypertensive) drugs as controls. Here we show that rate ratios for anti-allergic following gastric acid-inhibiting drug prescriptions are 1.96 (95%CI:1.95–1.97) and 3.07 (95%-CI:2.89–3.27) in an overall and regional Austrian dataset. These findings are more prominent in women and occur for all assessed gastric acid-inhibiting substances. Rate ratios increase from 1.47 (95%CI:1.45–1.49) in subjects <20 years, to 5.20 (95%-CI:5.15–5.25) in > 60 year olds. We report an epidemiologic relationship between gastric acid-suppression and development of allergic symptoms.


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