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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2019/8/27 14:23:54

德国明斯特大学的K. Dreisewerd研究组开发出可用于亚细胞分辨率细胞与组织成像的透射模式MALDI-2质谱成像技术。2019年8月26日,《自然—方法学》在线发表了这一成果。


研究人员通过使用激光诱导后电离(MALDI-2)和使t-MALDI-2离子源适应Orbitrap质量分析器来缓解这个问题。通过观察小鼠小脑和肾切片以及培养的Vero B4细胞中大量磷酸化和糖脂的分布,研究人员证明了这种组合所取得的敏感性和准确性提升。使用脑组织,研究人员得到了600nm的像素尺寸。这个方法可以成为细胞生物学和生物医学研究中有价值的新工具。


Title: Transmission-mode MALDI-2 mass spectrometry imaging of cells and tissues at subcellular resolution

Author: M. Niehaus, J. Soltwisch, M. E. Belov, K. Dreisewerd

Issue&Volume: 2019-08-26

Abstract: Matrix-assisted laser desorptionionization mass spectrometry imaging in transmission-mode geometry (t-MALDIMSI) can provide molecular information with a pixel size of 1m and smaller, which makes this label-free method highly interesting for characterizing the chemical composition of tissues and cells on a (sub)cellular level. However, a major hindrance for wider use of the technology is the reduced ion abundance at small pixel sizes. Here we mitigate this problem by use of laser-induced post-ionization (MALDI-2) and by adapting a t-MALDI-2 ion source to an Orbitrap mass analyzer. We demonstrate the crucial sensitivity and accuracy boosts that are achieved with this combination by visualizing the distribution of numerous phospho- and glycolipids in mouse cerebellum and kidney slices, and in cultured Vero B4 cells. With brain tissue, a pixel size of 600nm was achieved. Our method could constitute a valuable new tool for research in cell biology and biomedicine.

DOI: 10.1038/s41592-019-0536-2



Nature Methods:《自然—方法学》,创刊于2004年。隶属于施普林格·自然出版集团,最新IF:28.467