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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2019/8/16 17:46:50

近日,澳大利亚墨尔本奥斯丁健康中心Natasha van Zyl研究团队进行了一项前瞻性病例分析,通过扩展传统的肌腱为基础的神经移植技术来恢复四肢瘫痪患者的上肢功能。 2019年8月17日出版的《柳叶刀》发表了这项成果。



治疗24个月后,参与者的医学研究委员会肱三头肌力量等级中位数为3,指伸肌力量等级中位数为4;5例接受远端神经移植患者的平均握力为3.2 kg,9例接受近端神经移植患者为2.8 kg,8例肌腱移植患者为3.9 kg。手术发生6例不良反应,但均未造成持续性损伤。




Title: Expanding traditional tendon-based techniques with nerve transfers for the restoration of upper limb function in tetraplegia: a prospective case series

Author: Natasha van Zyl, Bridget Hill, Catherine Cooper, Jodie Hahn, Prof Mary P Galea

Issue&Volume: Volume 394 Number 10198, 17 August 2019



Loss of upper extremity function after cervical spinal cord injury greatly affects independence, including social, vocational, and community engagement. Nerve transfer surgery offers an exciting new option for the reanimation of upper limb function in tetraplegia. The aim of this study was to evaluate the outcomes of nerve transfer surgery used for the reanimation of upper limb function in tetraplegia.


In this prospective case series, we consecutively recruited people of any age with early (<18 months post-injury) cervical spinal cord injury of motor level C5 and below, who had been referred to a single centre for upper extremity reanimation and were deemed suitable for nerve transfer. All participants underwent single or multiple nerve transfers in one or both upper limbs, sometimes combined with tendon transfers, for restoration of elbow extension, grasp, pinch, and hand opening. Participants were assessed at 12 months and 24 months post-surgery. Primary outcome measures were the action research arm test (ARAT), grasp release test (GRT), and spinal cord independence measure (SCIM).


Between April 14, 2014, and Nov 22, 2018, we recruited 16 participants (27 limbs) with traumatic spinal cord injury, among whom 59 nerve transfers were done. In ten participants (12 limbs), nerve transfers were combined with tendon transfers. 24-month follow-up data were unavailable for three patients (five limbs). At 24 months, significant improvements from baseline in median ARAT total score (34·0 [IQR 24·0–38·3] at 24 months vs 16·5 [12·0–22·0] at baseline, p<0·0001) and GRT total score (125·2 [65·1–154·4] vs 35·0 [21·0–52·3], p<0·0001) were observed. Mean total SCIM score and mobility in the room and toilet SCIM score improved by more than the minimal detectable change and the minimal clinically important difference, and the mean self-care SCIM score improved by more than the minimal detectable change between baseline and 24 months. Median Medical Research Council strength grades were 3 (IQR 2–3) for triceps and 4 (IQR 4–4) for digital extensor muscles after 24 months. Mean grasp strength at 24 months was 3·2 kg (SD 1·5) in participants who underwent distal nerve transfers (n=5), 2·8 kg (3·2) in those who had proximal nerve transfers (n=9), and 3·9 kg (2·4) in those who had tendon transfers (n=8). There were six adverse events related to the surgery, none of which had any ongoing functional consequences.


Early nerve transfer surgery is a safe and effective addition to surgical techniques for upper limb reanimation in tetraplegia. Nerve transfers can lead to significant functional improvement and can be successfully combined with tendon transfers to maximise functional benefits.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(19)31143-2

Source: https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(19)31143-2/fulltext#

