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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2019/12/27 15:24:25

荷兰皇家艺术与科学学院Maarten H.P. Kole研究组发现沿髓鞘轴突的跳跃传导含有轴突周的纳米回路。相关论文于2019年12月26日在线发表于《细胞》杂志。





Title: Saltatory Conduction along Myelinated Axons Involves a Periaxonal Nanocircuit

Author: Charles C.H. Cohen, Marko A. Popovic, Jan Klooster, Marie-Theres Weil, Wiebke Mbius, Klaus-Armin Nave, Maarten H.P. Kole

Issue&Volume: December 26, 2019

Abstract: The propagation of electrical impulses along axons is highly accelerated by the myelin sheath and produces saltating or “jumping” action potentials across internodes, from one node of Ranvier to the next. The underlying electrical circuit, as well as the existence and role of submyelin conduction in saltatory conduction remain, however, elusive. Here, we made patch-clamp and high-speed voltage-calibrated optical recordings of potentials across the nodal and internodal axolemma of myelinated neocortical pyramidal axons combined with electron microscopy and experimentally constrained cable modeling. Our results reveal a nanoscale yet conductive periaxonal space, incompletely sealed at the paranodes, which separates the potentials across the low-capacitance myelin sheath and internodal axolemma. The emerging double-cable model reproduces the recorded evolution of voltage waveforms across nodes and internodes, including rapid nodal potentials traveling in advance of attenuated waves in the internodal axolemma, revealing a mechanism for saltation across time and space.

DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2019.11.039

Source: https://www.cell.com/cell/fulltext/S0092-8674(19)31324-8
