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作者:小柯机器人 发布时间:2019/11/28 14:40:04

近日,德国亥姆霍兹慕尼黑中心Yuval Rinkevich及其课题组发现皮肤通过动员筋膜来修补深层伤口。该研究2019年11月27日在线发表于国际一流学术期刊《自然》。




Title: Patch repair of deep wounds by mobilized fascia

Author: Donovan Correa-Gallegos, Dongsheng Jiang, Simon Christ, Pushkar Ramesh, Haifeng Ye, Juliane Wannemacher, Shruthi Kalgudde Gopal, Qing Yu, Michaela Aichler, Axel Walch, Ursula Mirastschijski, Thomas Volz, Yuval Rinkevich

Issue&Volume: 2019-11-27

Abstract: Mammals form scars to quickly seal wounds and ensure survival by an incompletely understood mechanism15. Here we show that skin scars originate from prefabricated matrix in the subcutaneous fascia. Fate mapping and live imaging revealed that fascia fibroblasts rise to the skin surface after wounding, dragging their surrounding extracellular jelly-like matrix, including embedded blood vessels, macrophages and peripheral nerves, to form the provisional matrix. Genetic ablation of fascia fibroblasts prevented matrix from homing into wounds and resulted in defective scars, whereas placing an impermeable film beneath the skinpreventing fascia fibroblasts from migrating upwardsled to chronic open wounds. Thus, fascia contains a specialized prefabricated kit of sentry fibroblasts, embedded within a movable sealant, that preassemble together diverse cell types and matrix components needed to heal wounds. Our findings suggest that chronic and excessive skin wounds may be attributed to the mobility of the fascia matrix. Cells that populate scar tissue in mammalian skin migrate to wounds as prefabricated matrix from the subcutaneous fascia, including embedded blood vessels, macrophages and peripheral nerves.

DOI: 10.1038/s41586-019-1794-y


