来源:Nature Communications 发布时间:2018/11/27 13:02:53

论文标题:Early childhood investment impacts social decision-making four decades later

期刊:Nature Communications


发表时间:Yi Luo, Sébastien Hétu, Terry Lohrenz, Andreas Hula, Peter Dayan, Sharon Landesman Ramey, Libbie Sonnier-Netto, Jonathan Lisinski, Stephen LaConte, Tobias Nolte, Peter Fonagy, Elham Rahmani, P. Read Montague, Craig Ramey

数字识别码: 10.1038/s41467-018-07138-5



《自然-通讯》发表的一篇论文Early childhood investment impacts social decision-making four decades later指出,接受过儿童期早期(从出生后头几个月到入学阶段)教育干预的成年人更有可能执行社会规范,且更善于提前为长远利益做打算。这项研究指出,高质量的儿童早期投入对个人社会决策的影响会一直延续到成年。


“初学者计划”(Abecedarian Project,ABC)是北卡罗来纳州在1972-1977年间开展的一项干预研究,为当地低收入、多风险家庭的新生儿提供出生起5年内的早期儿童教育深度支持。既往研究证实,干预计划的参与者在成年后,其认知、教育、经济和身体健康方面都取得了积极结果。但计划对社会决策策略的影响尚未得到研究。

美国弗吉尼亚理工-加利永研究所的Read Montague及同事召回了 ABC 干预计划的78名受试者(年龄为39-45岁),让他们参与一系列考察社会规范执行和规划的金融游戏。作者指出,受过教育干预的人更善于进行未来规划。


图2:多轮游戏中受试者的规划能力。图源:Luo 等


摘要:Early childhood educational investment produces positive effects on cognitive and non-cognitive skills, health, and socio-economic success. However, the effects of such interventions on social decision-making later in life are unknown. We recalled participants from one of the oldest randomized controlled studies of early childhood investment—the Abecedarian Project (ABC)—to participate in well-validated interactive economic games that probe social norm enforcement and planning. We show that in a repeated-play ultimatum game, ABC participants who received high-quality early interventions strongly reject unequal division of money across players (disadvantageous or advantageous) even at significant cost to themselves. Using a multi-round trust game and computational modeling of social exchange, we show that the same intervention participants also plan further into the future. These findings suggest that high quality early childhood investment can result in long-term changes in social decision-making and promote social norm enforcement in order to reap future benefits.


期刊介绍:Nature Communications (https://www.nature.com/ncomms/) is an open access journal that publishes high-quality research from all areas of the natural sciences. Papers published by the journal represent important advances of significance to specialists within each field.

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